Combating the grab for land

Combating the grab for land

Monday 15 October 2012

After increasing reports of land grabbing in many developing countries, Oikocredit is providing funds for cooperatives to buy their own land. Many cooperatives rent land and therefore are directly threatened by local or international companies and individuals buying significant areas to farm.

"Land should be in the hands of the small farmers or the cooperative. If farmers sell their farms, some might be lucky and get jobs in the city, but when they give up their land they lose a sustainable source of income and access to a livelihood," said Oikocredit director Loans and Investments, Florian Grohs.

"We often hear that when these deals are done, corruption or unethical methods by high-powered groups can play a part. So if cooperatives and small farmers need our means to combat land-grabbing, we will support them."

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