It is Important to Maintain a Balance in Life

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It is Important to Maintain a Balance in Life

September 13, 2022 at 5:08 AM - by Oikocredit Canada - 0 comments

Oikocredit Canada Support Association (OCSA) is led by a volunteer board of directors that has responsibility for carrying out Oikocredit's grassroots education and outreach initiatives. The directors come from diverse fields and bring immense experience to the board.

Though we know them professionally through their work, today, we dig deep and ask them some informal questions to get to know them better and learn more about their likes, passions and other areas of interest. Know your Director will be an ongoing blog series. 

Jack Bolland has worked at the intersection of humanitarianism and sustainable development. Jack works at the City of Toronto on urban planning, design and new growth.

How did you find out about Oikocredit?

Jack BollandWhen I first transitioned back to Canada after several years abroad, I was searching for a sense of purpose where I could draw on my experiences in the humanitarian/development sector and further a career at home. Through my network, I found Oikocredit was, and remains, intrinsically aligned with my core values and vision for the future of international development. So, I became a volunteer for the organization.

 What is most challenging AND most rewarding about being an Oikocredit Director?
The most challenging aspect for me is the distance that separates us from the individuals and communities in which we help affect change. Empowering people is personal and social interaction. The most rewarding part is being an advocate for those communities. Listening to their journey and sharing their stories with others around the globe.

 How do you make your day productive - any habits, apps, or tricks?
By staying engaged and connected to the ever-evolving challenges, society faces, both domestically and internationally. Whether reading, volunteering, listening to podcasts/webinars, connecting with friends/family or meeting new like-minded people. Beyond that, it's important to maintain a balance in life and reminder myself just how beautiful this world is and the people in it.

 What is your idea of the perfect vacation?
Adventures! A beach vacation with a good book sounds relaxing, but I don't sit idle for long. I'm more inclined to venture into local markets, hike a mountain, taste local cuisine and wines, explore old ruins, and sail the open sea. If you find me on a beach, I'd probably be playing some type of game or activity.

 Who inspires you?
Anyone who has the passion and aspiration to be a force of positive impact for themselves, the people around them, their communities and the greater population. The challenges we face require collective action, so supporting others on their journey is critical, and it inspires to me to continue to learn and grow.

 Stay Tuned next month as we will get to know another director from the OCSA board.



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