In 52 countries

Funding for 526 partners

Our partners
Our partners

Key figures

Key figures

At 31 March 2024, for more details download the fact sheet (see box on the right)

Total assets € 1,164.8 million
Total development financing outstanding € 1,136.1 million
Member capital € 990.2 million
Net liquidity as % of total assets 8.6%
Total number of partners 526
Average outstanding financing per partner¹ € 2.2 million
Portfolio at risk (90 days) 6.3%
Net asset value per share € 214.39
Result (year-to-date)  € -2.6 million

¹ based on approved loan amounts

  • Financial inclusion*
  • Agriculture
  • Renewable energy
  • Other
  • Loans
  • Equity Investments
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Other

Social and environmental performance

As of 31 December 2022

Social and environmental performance management is a priority for Oikocredit. We monitor certain social and environmental performance indicators to ensure our partners reach the right target groups and provide services that work towards a positive change in people's lives.
Clients reached by Oikocredit's financial inclusion partners 42.2 million
% female clients  87%
% rural clients  67%
Farmers reached by Oikocredit's agriculture partners 2.59 million
Renewable energy
Households with access to clean energy 121,000
CO2 emissions avoided (in tonnes) 674,000